Shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21
Shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21


Lifting his club, Heracles tells Jack to begone and Jack replies with "Certainly." From under his cloak, Jack brings out a gun and shoots, only for the bullet to turn out to be a hook attached to a long string that allows Jack to grapple up a building, carrying the scissors by wearing it on his arm. Taking a sip, Jack says he knew but just had to test it out for himself. However, the knives immediately end up bending on impact and Heracles wonders if Brunhilde forgot to tell Jack that manmade weapons can't harm Gods. Calling it a cheap trick, Heracles snaps the wire, causing knives to fly at Heracles from every direction. Heracles begins stomping towards Jack, only to stop when he notices that he came close to crossing a faint wire.

shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21

Ignoring him, Jack comments on how Darjeeling is of the finest quality. He offers Heracles a cup but Heracles simply tells Jack to draw his weapon. Jack explains he had to do this since it's nearly teatime and calls tea a staple of a gentleman. With his face red, Heracles follows Jack into the alleyway he ran in and finds Jack at the end of the alleyway, near a small cafe and pouring himself a cup of tea. Heracles decides that if Jack wants to do this, then he'll answer his resolve with all his might, only to be surprised when Jack immediately runs away. Jack tells Heracles that this is his Völundr and after cutting a streetlight in half with ease, Jack calls the Divine Weapon exquisite for being able to tear anything to pieces.Īres calls it a strange weapon and Hermes agrees. The audience question if Jack is another dual-wielding swordsman, only for Jack to place the two blades on top of each other, creating a giant scissor. From his back, Jack brings out two large, golden blades. Reaching behind his back, Jack reveals that he will always accept a duel, no matter the odds, for that is the true essence of a gentleman. Bowing, Jack thanks Heracles for accepting his request to change the arena before saying he can't surrender. Heracles states that he despises senseless killing but is wholeheartedly willing to kill Jack with no hesitation. If he does, Heracles will ask Zeus to pardon him from the match, which will save him from Niflhel. London's Metropolitan Police swore to catch the man responsible yet they never did.Īrthur calls it a mystery so profound, that not even his Sherlock Holmes could solve it, referencing how Arthur tried to solve the mystery of Jack the Ripper himself but failed. During the second half of the 19th century, a total of five prostitutes turned up murdered by a sharp object.

shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21


Smoking a pipe, Arthur Conan Doyle recounts how Jack the Ripper is history's darkest serial killer.


Humanity's crowd don't know how to feel about a serial killer representing them.

shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21 shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21

Heracles continues to question why his opponent has to be scum that played with the lives of innocent women and snapping, Heracles yells out to Brunhilde not to mess with him. The previous combatants – Lü Bu, Adam, Kojiro Sasaki – were all worthy men, who were even able to move the hearts of the Gods. Heracles glares at Brunhilde through the monitors and as Brunhilde proudly smiles, Heracles angrily questions why. Heimdall says that Heracles is a man who ascended to Godhood, wreathed in glory as a shining beacon of justice, going against Jack the Ripper, the most corrupt evil that Humanity has to offer. The Essence of a Gentleman is the 21th chapter of the Shuumatsu no Valkyrie manga series.

Shuumatsu no valkyrie chapter 21